Get off my head.
"Killing Monday, breaking stupid boxes and wasting time since 2003!"


Freaks, nerds,  lunatics, self aware humor, sarcasm and service with a smile. 

For a good time, call Nick. 



Hmm.. not much else to be said about KM. It all started in that sleepy little suburban high school where a bored high school senior does whatever she can to distract herself from the excruciating psychology power point presentations. Thus there are notebooks filled with short, crappy comics about how much I hated that class and how much my best friend Jai had actually liked the class. Such were the humble beginnings of KM. There's no real point to it. So long as We can make ourselves laugh and a few other people it's all good. Now get off my lawn you crazy kids or I'll turn the hose on ye. 

Killing Monday copyright Tracy Orthal
Website by Sean Lasocki